Monday, July 6, 2009

My Publix Savings 7/6/09

Order Total $9.76
Sales Tax $5.10
Grand Total $14.86
Saved $91.43

5- 18 lb bags of Kingsford
Used 5-$4 Kingsford coupons So, I paid $2.99 for each bag--A GREAT deal!!!!
5-Glad Flex Straws
5-packs of pork chops
2-pork roasts
1- pack of ground beef and pork for meatloaf
$6 of Boars Head Ham
Used 5- $6 off The Other White Meat Coupon FREE Meat!!!!
1- Digiorno for One
Used 1- Free coupon
1- 6 oz yogurt
Used 1- Free Coupon
1/2 loaf of Multi Grain bread
Used 1- $1 off Bakery item in ad
Used $5/30 Competitor coupon and $5/30 Publix coupon

This shopping trip included my FAVORITE Publix deal!!! "The Other White Meat" Coupon is a high dollar coupon--$6!. I use it to purchase all of my pork--lots of pork chops folks!!! You buy Kingsford charcoal (18 lbs. bag), one other qualifying product from the list on the coupon, and at least $6 worth of pork-- "the other white meat".

So I buy:
18 lb bag of Kingsford (regular price 9.99, sale price 6.99 through Tuesday--usually on sale during holidays)
1 pack of Glad straws (.59)
$6 of pork (pork chops, bacon, ham, pork hotdogs, pork roast, pork ribs, etc...) PORK folks and $6 of it!

You could use this manufacturer coupon at any store--However, I am a fan of the Publix meat dept. Also, the charcoal is a fair price here. Good when it is on sale. And GREAT when it is on sale AND you have a charcoal coupon too!!!


starbucksgirl said...

Looks like your shop worked out great!

starbucksgirl said...

BTW, thanks for the tip on Publix4Pennies. I have never been to their site before. That list printing feature is amazing. I LOVE IT!!