Sunday, September 27, 2009

Get Your Paper(s)!!!

Over $174 in coupons in today's Mobile Press Register.

Smart Source(SS)
Red Plum(RP)
Procter & Gamble (PG)

The Procter & Gamble coupon booklet this month is a special edition. To help kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, P&G will donate two cents to the National Breast Cancer Foundation for every coupon redeemed in this booklet starting on Sunday.

Just getting started?
Get both a Mobile and Pensacola newspapers. The coupon inserts will be a little different. Try and get more than one copy. I get 4+ sets of inserts a week from family and friends--that way I always have multiple coupons for items that go on sale (a key to stockpiling).

Larger cities usually get better coupons(higher value coupons and more of them). I always ask friends that are traveling through the Atlanta airport on Sunday/Monday to grab me the Sunday edition of the Atlanta paper. Talk about GREAT inserts!

You can find the Pensacola paper at gas stations in Foley and Love's in Loxley. Please comment below if you have a location near you that carries this paper.

Bargain Buggy Tip: I keep every single coupon. When I first started I sorted through, cut and filed what I would use and tossed what I would not use...a couple weeks later, I missed out on a $10 moneymaker because I tossed a coupon!

What a good week for coupons! There are a lot of drugstore deals this week on razors when you use the $4 coupon in the P&G.

WALGREENS and CVS deals are posted below. Make sure to get your FREEBIES!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the great article in the paper!! Your site has been awesome in helping me save money. I am happy you are being recognized for it. Thanks for the time you take to make saving money so easy!