Friday, October 16, 2009

Couponing Class-Open to Public!


Eastern Shore Mom & The Bargain Buggy are teaming up for an OPEN TO THE PUBLIC coupon class hosted by The Lily Pads Consignment Shop in Daphne, AL. This is the first coupon party that has been opened to public registration so be sure to sign up. The workshop will be held on Thursday, October 29th at 6 p.m. at The Lily Pads Consignment Shop in the Jubilee Pointe Shopping Center in Daphne.

These coupon classes have been attended by many in our area recently and have received an amazing response. Learning to coupon on your own can be complicated and confusing- ESM & TBB want to help give you a push start on your couponing and share our knowledge with you. During the class you will have the opportunity to do many things the blogs might not allow you to, like ask questions that will be answered right then in person! If we can't find the answer we will find someone that can.

Here are some details about the coupon workshop:
The Bargain Buggy & Eastern Shore Mom will teach you and your friends how to save money and have fun doing it. There is a $15 supply fee per person. On top of the class, you receive a booklet with tips and tricks, a folder to start your couponing, coupons to get you started, & a couponing strategy to earn back the $15 spent on the class immediately!

The workshop includes:
  • Coupon Terminology
  • Where to get coupons
  • How to organize coupons
  • How to utilize the internet to get the best prices on groceries and toiletries
  • Couponing policies for local stores
  • Publix 101
  • Drugstore Overview
  • Stockpiling Basics
  • Plus, all participants will receive a folder of take home materials which includes: a detailed outline to reference, a couponing gameplan and coupons to get you started!

Interested? Act fast because there are only 30 spots available!

The first 30 to register will be contacted by e-mail as the confirmation of registration. If you are not one of the first 30, you will be kept on the waiting list if a spot opens or if we increase the amount of spots available.

Interested in hosting a coupon workshop of your own? Click HERE to learn more.

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