Monday, January 4, 2010

Publix Sneak Peek ad starting 1/6!

We have a lot of new couponers joining us, so I thought it may be helpful for me to really break the steps down.

So you have started collecting coupons and have them organized. Now what?

Pick one store to start. If it is Publix then this is where you begin!

Look over the Sneak Peek ad, which is usually posted on Monday. This ad will start Wednesday in our area. Get busy printing the printable coupons that are matched up(they may hit their max soon so print early). Start clipping the coupons that you do have. Just starting out can be frustrating because you may not have a lot of the clipped coupons. Hang in there and keep adding to your coupon supply! Focus on B1G1s(Buy One, Get One items), fruits/veggies/meats on sale. Set the coupons that you plan to use aside. I put all of mine in a white envelope.

Thanks to Michelle at I Heart Publix for the Sneak Peek ad and match ups! Coupon match ups will be posting soon!!!

Keep in mind that the sneak peek prices will be slightly different from our local prices (by a couple of cents).

Reminders about our local store policies:
The key to the game is buying the sale items. The BEST deals are the B1G1s. My list is mostly B1G1/sale items. I buy fruits/veggies/meats that are on sale that week. These sale items are already GREAT deals--Add coupons and they are AWESOME buys!

Locals(the following applies to Fairhope and Orange Beach locations):
*Our local Publix ads usually run Wednesday-Tuesday. Holiday ads vary.
*Sneak Peeks are always subject to change.
*Our local prices will usually vary by a couple of cents from Sneak Peek ads.
*NO Food Lion, Harvey's, Dollar Store, etc... coupons accepted at our local stores.
*Manufacturer coupons & store coupons (local grocery/drugstores/Target/Publix) accepted at the Publix in Fairhope and Orange Beach.
*One $/$$ coupon per visit per day at Fairhope/Orange Beach locations as long as your order total qualifies before coupons.
You can find a list of $/$$ here.
*No doubling of coupons or penny items at the Fairhope/Orange Beach stores.
*You do not have to buy 2 of the B1G1s to get the sale price. They ring up 1/2 price and 1/2 price at our local stores.
*ONE Manufacturer + ONE store coupon = ONE item.
*No Price Matching at Publix. No Price matching coupons.
Read more here.
*NO CVS Extra Care Bucks...ONLY Walgreen's Register Rewards.
What are match ups? Available coupons and the source matched up with sales items. BIG time savers!

Just getting started?
Read Publix 101

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