Monday, October 26, 2009

Deal on a Conair Blow Dryer!

So I worked a price match at WalMart today...and I'm so excited about the price that I paid for a new blow dryer. I just had to share.

Conair Infiniti Cord Keeper Blow Dryer priced at $39.99-$34.99 regularly, ON SALE @ Walgreens for $17.99
Used (1) $5 off Conair Infiniti Cord Keeper Blow Dryer HERE
Final Price: $12.99!

I worked this deal at WalMart with the Walgreens ad in hand. Target will also price match at the customer service counter. You could also purchase it at Walgreens and not have to bother with price matching.

My blow dryer just croaked the other day--how great to have a coupon roll around just in time!


Unknown said...

Where did you get the $5 off coupon?

The Bargain Buggy said...

Amy-You can click the link above and it will take you to