Tuesday, July 14, 2009


1. You do not have to buy 2 of the B1G1 items to get the sale price. Items ring up 1/2 and 1/2.

2. If you do buy 2 items that are B1G1 you will get your best deal if you have 2 coupons--sometimes 4 if you have store coupons to stack with the manufacturer coupons.

3. Publix accepts competitor coupons(Target, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Bruno's, Winn Dixie).

4. You can use ONE PUBLIX/or competitor coupon and ONE manufacturer’s coupon on ONE item. So, a max of TWO coupons per item. This is called stacking.

5. OB and Fairhope Publix locations do NOT double manufacturer coupons. Some Publix stores do double coupons that are.50¢ or less.

6. Orange Beach and Fairhope locations will accept drugstore coupons as competitors(CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid).
Now this may be helpful if you happen to receive a $5/30 or even a $10/50 at CVS. These CVS coupons are found: on the bottom of your receipt, CVS emails, or price scanners where you can scan your CVS card for additional coupons. THEY DO NOT TAKE ECBs.
Walgreen's Rebate Rewards, which are manufacturer coupons printed at the register are also accepted. You can use these to pay...BUT you may only use one RR of a particular Retailer. You will notice on the RR that in the fine print it will say Retailer:Dial, Dove, Pilot...Whoever it is...You can only use one. One Pilot RR. One Dove RR. One Dial RR. You could use three...but they each have to be from a different retailer.

7. When you are using TWO $5/30(1 Publix, 1 competitor)--Your order total before coupons should be at least $60 dollars!!! Or if you wanted to use a $5/50, $5/30 order total should be at least $80.
Remember always hand these coupons to the cashier first and then your other coupons.

8. Coupon books are usually located in the front of the store.

9. If Publix is out of an item ask for a rain check. Especially if it is B1G1. It is like locking in the lowest price...and you can wait for a good coupon to come around. No exp.

10. Manufacturer coupons mostly come from Sunday papers, magazines, mailings, and the internet(IPs).
Here are good sites for internet printables:
Red Plum
Smart Source
Always check the manufacturer's websites too!

11. Competitor and store coupons:
I have found Target has some of the BEST competitor coupons--You can find them at Hot Coupon World, click on Target and print.
Publix coupons-mailing and booklets
Target coupons- mailing, newspaper, Hot Coupon World
Walgreen's and CVS see #6,

How do I organize?
I use an accordion file folder which is overflowing into a wicker laundry basket. I tried the binder method but found it to be too much work...and the first time I took it somewhere the coupons fell out! Not good. Each section has a category. I will get more detailed on this later.

How do I prepare for a shopping trip?
When matching up my coupons these are my favorite sites:
I Heart Publix
*These blogs are not in our area--so deals/coupon match up may be slightly different.

I Heart Publix usually gets the sneak peek ad for the upcoming week up on Monday. So I review the list(mostly the B1G1s) and check my coupon files once the list is up. Then as they post their match ups(this is the hard work) I check in and see what links to printable coupons they have found...and look for any coupons that I may have missed.
I put the coupons that I will use on that trip in an envelope(that's what I take in).
Then I print a final list on Publix.com. I stick with the list.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is absolutely amazing, You have just inspred me that this can be done. I watched you check out yesterday in total amazement. You had the whole store talkin about you all day yesterday